Dear Rottweiler- lover Friends, Club Members, Exhibitors, Enquirers!
Thank you all for attending our double Cup Winner Show held in Mezőszilas, on 13-14 October 2018. Congratulations to everybody for the results.
I would like to say thank you hereby for the work of our local organization, who – for 7 years already – have been doing well with traditionally perfectly organized event on an excellent venue, this year with a double exhibition.
- October 2018. MÁRK. VII. ALBA-REGIA CUP
Special thanks to our judges Mr. OLIVER SIMON ABONEEL (Croatia) and Mr. CHRISTIAN BERNBACHER ( AUSTRIA) for accepting our invitation and judging the presented dogs. We trust that this weekend was useful also for judge-trainee Mr. Aleksandar Ujlaki (Croatia).
Thanks for Magyar Általános Rottweiler Klub/Hungarian General Rottweiler Club (M.Á.R.K.) management’s and members’ outstanding work, who helped organizing and managing the event.
Special thanks to our Sponsor: Repka Attila és Bánkuti Eszter for supporting the exhibition.
Also the weather has taken our event into its favour , the weekend was nice and sunny.
With unbreakable enthusiasm, we are waiting for the next show!
Alba regia kupa képei fotó: Fellegvár Rott Thunder
Kincsem Kupa képei fotó: Kasza Norbert
Best regards:
Forgács Istvánné
President of M.Á.R.K.